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London mansion block with a clothes moth problem

Clothes moth damage
Clothes moth destruction
Clothes moth damage in London

The Cleankill team was called to a mansion block near Sloane Square in London after the residents complained about seeing clothes moths in the communal areas. On arrival, the team found severe damage to some of the carpets.

Residents were probably noticing the moths more frequently whilst they were home due to the COVID-19 lockdown, but also a period of hot and humid weather was encouraging the moths to fly. 

When the weather is cooler, moths tend to stay closer to the floor hidden in the edges of carpets and under furniture and radiators. Most of the time when you see adult clothes moths they are noticed as small golden-coloured moths moving around at low level on the carpets. 

Clothes moth adults are not responsible for damaging carpets and other soft furnishings. It is the larvae that cause all the destruction. If you see clothes moths flying around, this may be a warning that larvae are already in your textiles.  

When Cleankill performed the site inspection surveyors found damage to the wool carpets in the communal areas which were nearly threadbare in places. This was a clear sign of a significant infestation that needed an immediate response. 

The building’s management team instructed us to treat the communal areas and, since there was also a high probability that private areas had also been affected, the Cleankill team gave the residents the option of an onsite survey. We fed back to those residents who requested the survey, giving them a comprehensive report detailing our findings and the cost of any necessary treatments.  

Learn more about Clothes Moths.