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Cleankill shares top pest-busting tips

Don't let pests and bugs ruin your long-awaited summer, is the message from Croydon- based pest control company Cleankill. Although no home can ever be guaranteed pest free, award-winning Cleankill Pest Control is sharing its top ten pest-proofing tips to help prevent the distress and expense that small unwanted house guests can cause.

Cleankill's Managing Director Paul Bates said: "Having a pest problem is not only unpleasant and distressing but it can affect you and your family's health and make your home environment pretty uncomfortable.”
With summer around the corner, Cleankill is offering some practical, easy-to-follow tips to help stamp out the potential pest problems.

  1. If you are want to store away your winter woollies, make sure they get packed away fresh and clean and, if possible, in sealed bags. If this isn't practical, a once a month turnaround of stored clothing will disturb any larvae.
  2. Look out for wasp nests and get them removed while they are still small.
  3. Don't worry about swarming ants as they will disappear quickly. However, ants in your house need to be dealt with so find the source and treat it. If you can't, call in professional pest control help.
  4. Check outside your home and check openings around exterior outlets, like tumble dryer vents, as these areas could offer large and inviting cracks for bugs.
  5. It may sound obvious, but watch out for leftover food in the kitchen as this can quickly attract flies - especially in the warmer months.
  6. Check for small sugar spills in the kitchen as they may attract insects - and keep fruit out of direct sunlight to slow down fermentation.
  7. Where possible, keep pet litter trays and rubbish outside your home. Also, make sure any rubbish containers have a secure lid
  8. Rinse out containers or cartons before putting them in the recycling bin
  9. Put your pet's dishes on a rubber mat - this will make it easier to spot and clean up any spillages.
  10. If in doubt, call a pest control company such as Cleankill who will advise you or treat any pest problems you may have.

Cleankill is a specialist provider of pest control services to retail, commercial and industrial properties throughout the UK.

For further information, images, or to arrange an interview contact Suzi Christie on 01435 830031.