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The brave few who risk the #snackbugselfie

Girl eating grasshopper

During the last few months, we have been busy throughout Sussex, Kent and London exhibiting at business expos. These are always a great opportunity to catch-up with existing customers and hopefully attract a few new clients.

This year we brought something extra special to our stands - a collection of highly nutritious grasshoppers. According to a study by the Entomology Department of Iowa State University 100 grams of Grasshopper will contain between 14.3 and 20.6 grams of protein, be a good source of carbohydrates, and contain both Calcium and Iron.

We thought, therefore, we’d give the attendees of Kent2020, The Facilities Show and the Let’s Do Business shows in Brighton and Eastbourne the chance to eat a delicious grasshopper and share their bravery with the world, under the #snackbugselfie.

Many brave people tried this, and while the sight of an errant insect leg appearing from the mouth of a delegate may not be to everyone’s taste, it certainly caused a stir.

It has just left us with the problem of what to take next year? Leave us your suggestions in the comments section below!

Photograph : Thank you @nexusbrighton